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Running on AUTOPILOT?
Feeling LOST? Happy but UNhappy?


Hit the PAUSE button

You made it to SHAMBALLAH,

a sacred space where people come together to seek for mental, physical and spiritual peace.

Welcome Wonderful

This space is for YOU, if...


  • You ask yourself frequently, "Is this all, or is there more out there?".

  • You have everything you can imagine but still somehow feel that something is missing.

  • You constantly end up in toxic relationships.

  • You are very low in terms of self-love or self-appreciation.

  • You feel like running in the famous rat race and you cannot get out.

  • You are curious about yourself and open to learn new tools and ways to find out more about yourself and your past.

Not there yet? No worries. I am here to guide you and help to find your path. Let´s discover YOUR TRUE SELF.​

Holistic Coaching with Nadja.

Our Vision


Shamballah is a space and place where people gather in love, peace and harmony. Our vision is to create this space together with you. In a world full of distractions and a pace where we barely can keep up with, this space is a safe space where we are allowed to hit the pause button and reflect on whether the road we are heading down is really our road or we are just following a path someone else is creating for us. Shakti is sanskrit and means divine feminine, power and being a Goddess she stands for energy, ability, strength, effort, power and capability. All that we need to create our better self. Welcome, wonderful!

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Holistic Coach, Mentor & Self love Expert.


From being an engineer to becoming a Masters in Holistic Coaching, with a passion for energetic healing and encouraging others to find their best version of themselves - that´s me in a nutshell.

My passion is to ask questions and I love sunshine, lonely beaches and rainforests. Curious?



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“Life is what’s happening while you keep making plans.” - J. Lennon


Are you still planning or already living? Take your first step. Book your coaching session with Shamballah today.

Un valor añadido destacable del curso "Descubre tu VERDADERO YO" es el tiempo de calidad que Nadja ofrece a sus clientes, así como la confianza que fomenta a través del diálogo. Este curso no solo aborda temas relacionados con la autoestima, sino que también proporciona herramientas para el crecimiento personal y profesional, promoviendo el desarrollo inteligente en todos los ámbitos de nuestra vida.

- Fernando S.

I highly recommend this coaching and I am sure that more than one person will want one more session."

- Marco R.

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